Friday, October 15, 2010

A System of Support

Notice anything interesting about this tree?

I recently had someone come look at a cherry tree in my backyard. I saw something that concerned me. According to the expert, there is nothing to be concerned about. The tree is very healthy and doesn't need attention at this time. But while he was here...

He noticed a problem with another very large tree in the yard. It's a tree that provided hours of fun for two of my grandsons this summer. We don't want to lose this tree. But he pointed out something I never realized before.

The tree is actually two trees that grew together years and years ago. As it grows larger and its limbs spread farther apart, there's a risk the tree will split. Oh, no...

But the news is not all bad. He built a support system for the tree by stretching heavy wires at strategic points across the branches. Now the tree has added strength to deal with wind, ice, and all the other natural forces of life.

What does this have to do with being organized? Well, as we continue to grow and change, we need systems of support to give us strength. How do you know when you need a system?

If something is bothering you over and over, you need a system! Here are four questions to ask yourself about what you're doing now:
  1. Does it work?
  2. Do you like it?
  3. Does it work for others?
  4. Can you recover quickly when needed?

Look again at the tree...The wire is almost invisible unless you specifically look for it. It's a great system for added strength. Do you need a system that better supports you?

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