Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Is Your Inbox Flooded?

Many areas of the country have been devastated by too much rain recently. All work stops as people struggle with clean-up efforts and dealing with the after-effects. Many businesses are dealing with a flood of a different nature...

The ever-growing flood of information threatens to bring some business to a halt. At the very least, it is a drain on productivity. We all know that email is the source of much of that information. I highly recommend reading "The Hamster Revolution" by Mike Song, Vicki Halsey & Tim Burress.

The book has a chart that details the amount of time you can save be reducing email by 20%. Did you know that if you receive just 30 emails a day, that's 7,200 emails every year, or about 30 days every year spent dealing with email? What if one-third of those emails are a waste of time? Well, you're wasting 10 days a year on email.

What if you reduced your emails by 20%? Can you see how your productivity would automatically improve? During the time you have freed up, you can focus on a personal and professional goal that will take you to a new level.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A More Organized Family

Do you struggle with coordinating schedules within your family? Are you frustrated when you get to the store and realize your shopping list is on the counter at home? Wish you could easily sync your Outlook and family calendar? If any of these questions strike a cord with you, this tool may interest you!

Cozi is a free tool for busy families to use in lots of ways. There's a place to record funny things your kids say or do. You can even link a picture and send a quick email to someone, sharing a great moment in a more private setting as opposed to more public venues.

Easily create to-do lists that can be accessed from anywhere. See at a glance who needs to be where at any given time with your color-coded family calendar. Sync your Outlook calendar from work with your family calendar. Here's another fun feature...

Send reminders about appointments or important events to other family members by text or email...This really is a tool that will help everyone in the family get the most important things done every day.

Check it out! Cozi might be just the thing you've been looking for!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where to Start...

I often meet people that feel overwhelmed by the things they need to accomplish and the constant barrage of information that has become part of everyday life. Some comment, "There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do. I don't even know where to start." Often, the answer is simple.

To accomplish the things that are essential and most important, we need to identify those things. There is a difference between important and urgent. Each person must decide what's most important and set goals regarding those things. Others may try to get you involved in their urgent requests...

Have your goals written and review them often. Your goals should be specific and measurable. Break down milestones into smaller tasks that must be done to achieve the larger objective. Schedule specific times to get those tasks done. We've all heard the joke about the dog and the squirrel...

My dog Molly loves chasing squirrels. In fact, sometimes if you just say the word "squirrel" as she's going outside, she takes off running...there may or may not be a squirrel in the yard. She will sit under a tree looking up for a half an hour before you can get her attention again...What does that have to do with you? Well,...

Have you ever noticed email, the Internet, or the phone can do the same thing to us humans?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Money-Saving Ideas

In my work, I am in contact with many that are overwhelmed and discouraged. I like to remind them that the past is gone. We must focus on going forward.

In that vein, I’d like to suggest 3 things you can do now to save money…

First, if you haven't already done so, designate a place to keep all of your tax information for 2010. It may seem early to be thinking about next year's taxes, but this small step will save you lots of stress next year when it's time to file. Here are some suggestions for files you might keep in a tabletop file labeled "Tax Info for 2010"...

When you make donations, keep the receipts and a detailed list of the donations in a "Donations" folder.

Keep receipts for supplies, stamps, etc. in folders with your tax info.

You also need to keep a log of your business miles, along with where you went and what you did every day, in your planner.

Next, have an “Out” container near the door you use as you leave home every day. Save money on gas by making fewer trips running errands every week.

Keep coupons in a file or envelope in the "out box" so you take them as you leave. If you decide to go to that store, you’ll have the coupon you need.

Put letters and bills in the "out box" to be mailed while you’re out.

Keep items you need to return in the "out box."

Finally, establish a place for tools, then keep them there. If you can never find tape or scissors, designate a place to store those items. That way, you won’t end up with 5-6 rolls of tape scattered around the house.

Small change leading to rich rewards!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Need a Purse?

Do you or someone you know waste time looking for things you've dropped into that black hole otherwise known as your "purse?" Well, this is the solution you're looking for.

Here is a picture of my purse...

Check out the current styles. For the next 48 hours use promo code SAMPLE40 and receive 40% off the current inventory!