Monday, May 31, 2010

Tickled to Grow

Sometimes after using the most up-to-date technology and offerings we realize that the best solution to accomplishing what’s most important is not new. Old ideas may just need to be tweaked to fit our needs.

For example, a tickler file can produce amazing results when used regularly. Read about the history of the office tickler file here. As early as 1888, Frank E. Smith recognized the need to be reminded of tasks that need to be performed on specific dates.

Here's the thing. A tickler system not only helps you remember things you need to do, but it also helps you prioritize and set realistic expectations for daily tasks.

My personal favorite is the SwiftFile . This is more than a product or is a solution for better task management. Get in the habit of checking your SwiftFile every day and you will feel less stress and get more done every day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Focused Time

Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things you need to do? It's a common complaint we all have at one time or another. The solution is a more focused attitude every day. Since I work with business owners, I will use business as an example, but the principle applies to all areas of life. Here's the rub...

Think about the two activities in your business that bring in the money. For example, most businesses need to focus on:
  • building trust with prospects that are a "good fit"
  • adding value to current clients

In a day where money is tight and there are many choices, these two things are crucial. But how much time do you spend on these activities each day? If someone watched you work today, would they say that's where you spent the bulk of your day?

If you're like most people, you are often bogged down with phone calls, emails, paperwork, and other tasks that although necessary, do not qualify as the essential part of your business. So what's the solution?

Make a plan to focus your time. Look to CEOs for your model. A CEO's time is spent designing a vision of success, planning how to accomplish that vision, then enlisting the help of others in carrying out the plan.

While it may be scary to think of hiring others to work for you, it does make sense. Let's look at an example. After looking at a typical day, you see you are spending 4 hours a day on the two most productive parts of your business. You're bringing in $100 a day. Hiring an assistant for 4 hours a day would allow you to spend 8 hours daily on the money-making parts of business and probably double your earnings. If you pay the assistant $40 a day, and you bring in $200, that's a 60% increase in earnings.

This principle works at home and other places as well. Begin thinking and acting more like a CEO and see immediate results!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Buried under Mountains of Paper?

Remember the time you had an important appointment but couldn't find your keys? You felt confident as you were ready to go on time. However, when your keys weren't where you thought they were, you were frustrated. As minutes passed, anxiety changed to anger. Feeling a little uncomfortable just thinking about it?

Statistics show that people waste as much as 2 days a week on non-work related activities, like searching for things they have but can't find. There's a simple solution that will eliminate this stress..

Develop a systematic approach that fits into your life and work. The system should support the things you need and want to do...You shouldn't work for the system.

For example, if you put your keys down as soon as you walk in the door, don't designate a place to put your keys in another room in the house. You won't do it. Designate a place by the door that you will use consistently. Here's a way to get started dealing with the paper in your life today...

Begin with today's mail. Find a box, basket, or decorative container to use as in Inbox. Put things you haven't had time to open or look at there. Designate another place for things that need to be filed. Throw out or shred things you don't need. Find something to use as an Outbox for things to be taken elsewhere.

When you pick up a piece of paper...make a decision about it. You'll never know more about that paper than you know right now. Remember..Piles are nothing more than delayed decisions!