Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where to Start...

I often meet people that feel overwhelmed by the things they need to accomplish and the constant barrage of information that has become part of everyday life. Some comment, "There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do. I don't even know where to start." Often, the answer is simple.

To accomplish the things that are essential and most important, we need to identify those things. There is a difference between important and urgent. Each person must decide what's most important and set goals regarding those things. Others may try to get you involved in their urgent requests...

Have your goals written and review them often. Your goals should be specific and measurable. Break down milestones into smaller tasks that must be done to achieve the larger objective. Schedule specific times to get those tasks done. We've all heard the joke about the dog and the squirrel...

My dog Molly loves chasing squirrels. In fact, sometimes if you just say the word "squirrel" as she's going outside, she takes off running...there may or may not be a squirrel in the yard. She will sit under a tree looking up for a half an hour before you can get her attention again...What does that have to do with you? Well,...

Have you ever noticed email, the Internet, or the phone can do the same thing to us humans?

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