Thursday, December 2, 2010

Got memorabilia?

Here's an idea for saving all the precious artwork and memorabilia your children create. Scan the pictures, then create a collage. You can then display the artwork in a beautiful frame. This way, you are honoring the things you've saved rather than putting them in a box or a drawer.

Save only the things you love that bring you joy!

Here's a picture I've saved...

Don't you love this 5-year-old's drawing of me?!! He captured my features so well!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Medical Records At the Ready

Using a 3-ring binder, you can keep your medical records up-to-date and easily accessible. Here are sections that will be useful:
1. Doctors and Clinics:
  • Name and specialty
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Fax Number
2. Summary of Doctor Visits (very brief)
  • Date
  • Name and specialty
  • Nature of visit
3. Notes about Doctor Visits (more detailed)
  • Purpose of visit, recommendations, etc.
  • May include a log of phone calls made, the date, who you spoke with and what was decided
4. Copies of test results
  • Keep in chronological order
5. Regularly taken medications (up-to-date)
  • Date you begin taking it
  • Name and dosage
  • Reason for taking
  • Side effects/Problems experienced
6. Billing and Insurance Papers
  • Match insurance notifications with corresponding bills
  • Keep a log of calls made including the date, name of person you spoke with and information received.
7. Family History
  • Continually update with significant family illnesses or medical problems
8. Immunization Records

Keeping a binder for each family member makes it easy to file and locate the information you need. Place empty page protectors in the binder so you can easily file papers you receive. Update the binders as information changes.

You will have all the information at the ready if a medical emergency arises. Let family members know where the binder is kept. No need to rely on your memory or the memory of your loved ones!

If you are looking for a great gift idea, help someone you love create a binder that will provide peace of mind!

Friday, October 15, 2010

A System of Support

Notice anything interesting about this tree?

I recently had someone come look at a cherry tree in my backyard. I saw something that concerned me. According to the expert, there is nothing to be concerned about. The tree is very healthy and doesn't need attention at this time. But while he was here...

He noticed a problem with another very large tree in the yard. It's a tree that provided hours of fun for two of my grandsons this summer. We don't want to lose this tree. But he pointed out something I never realized before.

The tree is actually two trees that grew together years and years ago. As it grows larger and its limbs spread farther apart, there's a risk the tree will split. Oh, no...

But the news is not all bad. He built a support system for the tree by stretching heavy wires at strategic points across the branches. Now the tree has added strength to deal with wind, ice, and all the other natural forces of life.

What does this have to do with being organized? Well, as we continue to grow and change, we need systems of support to give us strength. How do you know when you need a system?

If something is bothering you over and over, you need a system! Here are four questions to ask yourself about what you're doing now:
  1. Does it work?
  2. Do you like it?
  3. Does it work for others?
  4. Can you recover quickly when needed?

Look again at the tree...The wire is almost invisible unless you specifically look for it. It's a great system for added strength. Do you need a system that better supports you?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Putting Things Off?

Everyone struggles at one time or another with putting things off. I need to get my car emissions checked, and I have been putting it off for a month. Why?

It's not hard. It doesn't take a lot of time. I just don't want to do I put it off for another day. The fact that there's a deadline will ensure I get it done. What are you delaying?

The Procrastinator's Handbook by Rita Emmett has great suggestions on getting things done. For example, Emmett suggests you create a "portable project center" for your current projects. You need a folder with pockets plus a spiral notebook the same color for each project.

Designate a place to keep the folders where you can grab and go. If you're working on a remodeling project, you could use a red folder and notebook. Keep receipts, drawings, brochures, photos, charts, and bids in the folder. Use the notebook to make lists of things you need to item at a time. Check off each item as you do it.

You'll have all the information in one place. You'll know exactly where it is. And best of all, you can grab it quickly as you go out the door. No more excuses!

Have a productive day today!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Keeping Up

Blogs and websites offer information that all of us can learn from and that bring us joy. However, it can be time-consuming checking each of these sites for updates.

Are you using a web-based aggregator to keep up with what's happening on your favorite sites or in a particular field of interest? The information you want is available at a glance in one place. Google Reader is one such aggregator. It's free. Try it. Use the tools that are available to help you spend your time the way you want to spend it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Best Decision

Have you noticed that using the Productive Environment Process™ can be used to accomplish anything you want to do? I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately.

It is hard to maintain a positive outlook in the current environment. I have written many articles on the importance of attitude. I believe choosing to focus on the positive is essential to success and enjoying your life. So how can the PEP help you with that?

Let’s take a look. First, let’s look at the vision. My vision is to be someone that instills hope and helps others see the good in life.

The next step is to eliminate the obstacles and excuses. What deters me from feeling hopeful? Do I spend too much time around those who have lost hope? Do I allow fear to guide my actions?
Now let’s look at available resources. My faith is my greatest resource. Inspiring people with great ideas must not be overlooked. I enjoy reading about the power of the mind and the power of right thinking. There are many different kinds of resources to draw on.

When thinking about choosing and using the right tools, my religious beliefs will be important in my positive focus. I will implement some of the ideas that aid positive thinking, like affirmations.

Finally, I will need to constantly assess my thinking and interactions with people to evaluate first, whether I am choosing hope over fear or despair, and second, whether I’m helping others feel better. Becoming more hopeful is great, but maintaining that hope is what matters.

This process will help you in every aspect of your life. Use the Productive Environment Process™ the next time you have something important to do or decide. You’ll have more clarity.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Power of Less

Have you ever visited Niagara Falls? It is one of the most amazing places to experience the majesty of God's creations. Ice, wind, and water created this magnificent and powerful area. But did you know that man now controls the rate of erosion of the falls to a great extent? Why is that necessary?

Well, prior to 1942, it is thought that the Horseshoe Falls eroded about 5 feet per year. Now, by diverting the water to power plants and using other methods, that rate is less than one foot a year. Projections are that the rate will be reduced to one foot every 10 years through continued efforts. Of course, there's no way to "control" nature, and a major rock fall could change everything.

But the point I'm trying to make is that water represents great opportunity to harness power for electricity. That's not to mention the chance for each of us to experience the beauty of the area. However, the water must be controlled as much as possible to preserve its usefulness. What does all this have to do with being organized?

Well, I think we need to step back and look at the amount of information or things we're allowing to come into our life. Though they may be useful or add value, sometimes it helps to divert some of those things so they don't erode our quality of life and work.

Is there something in your life that needs to be restricted a little? Could you set up rules in your email so that some messages are eliminated or put directly into a folder that you can look at when you choose to?

Do you need to designate a "Productive Environment Day" and get rid of some of the clutter in your life? Schedule it today...don't put it off. You will experience the power of less in your life that erodes your strength and energy. Though only about 50 percent of the water flows over the falls daily, just look at the beauty, majesty, and power of it. We can all learn something from those falls!